Recovery - Chapter Five

Chapter Five
The Hunkyard

A/N: Hello hello! Sorry this chapter took long to upload, life took a good swing at me and dealing with it was and still is my top priority. I'm still busy, so chapter uploads will be slow still but rest assured my passion for this project is still here! Thank you to FroofyB on FFN for pointing out a missing detail in a previous chapter, that got me to go back and edit most of them to fix any other issues! Happy reading, don't forget to R&R if you have the time <3

Chapter delay

 I know I hyped up the next chapter drop for around this time but I can't post it or even work on it right now because of real world activities. I'm sorry for promising it but I can still say it's very close to finish, I'm on the final act of the chapter so it can be finished relatively quick. I won't promise or hype up another drop time because again, life, so it'll come out when it comes out

    - your main mod Toast <3

New things posted!

    I ended up leaving the World Building section empty for too long! I added some new links to already added sections, so if you want to learn more about how I envision the universe of Voltron, go have a look see! Also, I'm working on adding more things that connect to what I've already posted, especially finally getting to the planets themselves.

    I'd like to take this time to remind you guys this is all my own thoughts, and they're VERY unfinished. Recovery is the only book I had planned out, so once I'm finished with that I'll be taking time to actually connect everything instead of trying to dig around my head for a hint of connecting threads.

    Speaking of Recovery, hopefully I can upload a new chapter by the weekend at the latest. I'm still not done with it, and that's before any proofreading and necessary editing that it will for sure need. When it does come out, I hope you all like the changes I made, especially because the episode itself threw specific pieces of itself out there that just didn't land right in my eyes.

Once again, don't be a stranger! I'd love to talk about ideas anyone has because the universe knows this show breeds that kind of stuff <3

Recovery - Chapter Four

Chapter Four
Many Happy Returns

A/N: It's January y'all and that means we're back! Once again, hopefully the holidays were gentle with you all, R&R if you have the time <3