Update Schedule Update!

So I may have entirely forgotten to say this stuff here, aha, better late than never I guess

If it wasn't already obvious, VFS has no update schedule. This is due to life refusing to pull punches, so I won't be setting anything in stone, it's just the fact that a chapter will come out eventually!

This month I won't be uploading a chapter, mainly because it's the holidays and want to enjoy it. But, I can say that chapter 4 is finished and will be published in January! That's the last prepped chapter I have, to be honest, so I'm also taking this time to go back and outline some more chapters.

Thank you for following Recovery and Voltron Force: Succession so far! The ball will continue rolling soon enough, in the meantime, I can be found through any of the links on my carrd if you'd like to see what I'm up to!

Don't be afraid to reach out, whether here or wherever else I can be found, even if it's just to talk, I'd love to interact to other Voltron Force, and Voltron in general, fans if I can!

Happy holidays from your mod Toast!

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